Wednesday 18 February 2009

Use Newspapers as Toiletpaper

This is just a really short note to all of you journalists out there. I don't hate you guys cause now I am one too, I do hate on the other hand the vested interests that get sucked into the very make up of how things are angled at the public and can easily understand why we are hated. Furthermore, what happened to all the BIG NEWS about global warming, was it all too expensive to talk about during a recession, or did you guys forget that you live on the planet. OK most of you probably have cancer or some other illness that you will die from before you have to live underwater but, I thought the reason why you guys got into this was because you really gave a shit about the world. Hmmmm.....could it be you are just Santa's little helpers and if so just because you work in his big factory does that mean you get to go out and play with the toys! I do, and if you wanna fire me you can't cause I quit.